Friday, November 16, 2012

I'm back!

Picture from the great blog Hyperbole and a Half
Hello everyone!  I have returned from my super awesome trip to New York City!  I had never been there before, so it was really amazing to see all the city has to offer.  I made the trip with my best friend who I don't get to see but a few times a year, so that made the trip even better.  What did I do, you ask?

Well, I got to see a Broadway play!

Not only did I get to see it, I won rush tickets!!  Which means my ticket only cost $27.00!  And I still had really good seats.  The play was really good--funny and touching all at the same time.  I highly recommend it.

Naturally, I had to visit Chinatown!

Jing Fong Dim Sum Restaurant
I bought a lot in Chinatown.  Everything is so cheap!  And they have these knock-offs of a brand of purse called Tokidoki, which I've always loved but have never been able to afford... until now >.>

My hotel was right next to Times Square, so I spent a lot of time there:

And of course... I ate.  Lots. Of. Food.  It was all delicious.  I was able to visit The Russian Tea Room, which is a place I've dreamed of going to for many years now.  I ate French macarons from Laduree and various mysterious dumplings in Chinatown.  There were breads and delicate pastries from Takahachi bakery and sticks of meat from street vendors.  For a girl who has been dieting and exercising steadily for 22+ weeks, it was absolute Heaven.  I took pictures of all the food I ate, but since this is a weight-loss blog, I think it would be kinda cruel to post them.

For my sanity, I haven't weighed myself yet.  I'm sure I've gained weight, though I did walk almost constantly, so hopefully that helped a bit.  Life was very busy as soon as I stepped off the plane, with work-related trips, Church dinners, and frantic grocery shopping, so I'm still very sleep deprived.  I have to work at my third job this weekend, too, so I'm not sure when I'll have a chance to finally catch up on my sleep. 

Even with gained weight and severe lack of sleep, it was totally worth it.  I had a blast and can't wait to go again!

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